During legal traineeship he worked as a research assistant at the chair for Civil Law, sociology of law, Business Law and Labour Law (Professor Dr Ingo Koller / Regensburg). After the second state examination he worked as a research assistant at the chair for Civil Law, Procedural Law and International Private Law (Professor Dr Dr h.c. Peter Gottwald / Regensburg) as well as PhD on Insolvency Law on a subject at the point where Labour Law and Social Law meet.
Admitted to the bar and joined the legal practice Dr Beck & Partner in 2009.
Principle Areas of Work
Insolvency Law / Insolvency Administration
Co-author of Wabnitz/Janovsky/Schmitt (Editor), Commercial Criminal Law and Criminal Tax Law Handbook , 6th edition 2025, publisher: C. H. Beck Munich, subject: sec. 8 insolvency and restructuring – part according to civil law
Co-author of Beck/Depré/Ampferl (Editor), insolvency practice, 4th edition 2023, publisher: Franz Vahlen GmbH Munich, subject: sec. 5 preservation measures and preliminary insolvency administration; sec. 6 expert report
Co-author of Gottwald / Haas (Editor), Insolvency Law Handbook, 6th edition, Munich 2020, subject: §§ 24-29 - The insolvency assets, §§ 53-59 – Satisfaction of asset creditors, §§ 61-63 – Satisfaction of insolvency creditors, §§ 72-73 – Termination of the insolvency procedure
Zur Orientierung ein Stück weit vorgedacht (report about the lecture of Prof. Dr. Christoph Thole at the Nuremberg AK on 17 July 2018), in: INDat Report 6/2018, p. 54-55
Tu felix Austria - Report on the 4th German-Austrian legal and in-practice comparison of 26 January 2018 in: INDat Report 1/2018, p. 58-61
„Jenseits und diesseits über den Berg kommen“ – Report on the 3rd German-Austrian legal and in-practice comparison of 19/20 January 2017 in: INDat Report 1/2017, p. 44-47
Co-author in Beck/Depré (publisher), insolvency practice, 3rd edition 2017, publisher: Franz Vahlen GmbH Munich
Topic: sec. 5 preservation measures and preliminary insolvency administration; sec. 6 expert report
Multi-faceted areas on either side – report about the 2nd German-Austrian legal and practice comparison on 21/22 January 2016, in: INDat Report 1/2016, p. 34-38
Co-author of Gottwald (publisher), “Insolvency Law Compendium”, Munich 2015, 5th edition, subject: sec. 24-29 – The insolvency estate, sec. 53-59 – the satisfaction of creditors of the estate, sec. 74-75 – The termination of insolvency proceedings
Reorganisation of business by interim employment societies (Peter Lang publishing company, publications about Procedural Law, vol. 41, Frankfurt / Main 2011).
Lectures Given
Lecturer at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt on the subject of “business law”