• Dr. Beck & PartnerDr. Beck & Partner
  • Standort NürnbergStandort Nürnberg
  • SeminarSeminar
  • BesprechungszimmerBesprechungszimmer
  • EicheEiche
  • InsOExcellenceInsOExcellence
  • BürosBüros
  • BesprechungszimmerBesprechungszimmer
  • ReferenzenReferenzen
  • BibliothekBibliothek
  • AktenschrankAktenschrank


As a law firm specialised in insolvency administration and insolvency law, we meet the highest standards concerning the quality and performance of our work.

The professional principles of the Association of German Insolvency Administrators e.V. (Verband der Insolvenzverwalter Deutschlands e.V.) (VID) and the Principles of Proper Insolvency Administration (Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Insolvenz¬verwaltung) (GOI) form the basis of our professional activity as an insolvency administrator. As a founding member and chairman of VID, Professor Dr. Siegfried Beck has been significantly involved in the establishment and adoption of these professional principles and the GOI.

The VID-CERT seal of approval is awarded exclusively by the Association to VID members only. Through an independent certification company, VID members undertake to prove that they comply with the principles of proper insolvency administration as well as the professional principles of the Association itself, and that they are certified according to ISO 9001. The audit for the VID-CERT seal of approval takes place annually.

We are certified according to DIN ISO 9001:2015.

Certification according to InsOExcellence sets new quality standards in restructuring and insolvency and is reserved exclusively for members of the ‘Gravenbrucher Kreis’, the association of Germany's leading insolvency administrators. This certificate represents a further development, qualitative improvement and thus an enhancement of the ISO 9001:2015 certificate.

The InsOExcellence certificate confirms the outstanding quality of our law firm, in particular demonstrating specialised knowledge in:

  • the management of group insolvencies,
  • dealing with international insolvency proceedings,
  • the continued operation of business over extended periods of time.

The InsO Certificate of Excellence